There is plenty of material on this website that I have created and are representative of my own views. However, there is also plenty I have taken from the worldwide web. I do not want to take credit for anyone else's work so I have tried to acknowledge and site them wherever possible. However, I am sure I made a mistake somewhere along the way so I will try to credit many of those individuals now. If you feel I did not give you appropriate credit, please let me know and I will be happy to make changes.
- PhET - Many of the simulations belong to them and they are a fantastic organization out of University of Colorado Boulder
- Flipping Physics - Jonathan Thomas-Palmer has made a tremendous set of videos for educating physics students. If you are interested in flipping your classroom, you should absolutely check out his phenomenal YouTube Channel.
- Bozeman Science - Paul Andersen has also made a tremendous set of videos regardign AP Physics 1 Essential content. He has made it clear he does not think they should be used as a flipped classroom option, but I think those videos are great ways to review content covered in an AP Physics class.
- The Physics Classroom - An excellent online resource for learning physics with an excellent set of iBooks about mechanics.
- Alex Lester, Philip Snell, Tim Uher and Zita Gray - Fantastic classroom teachers which have helped teach the courses covered in this website and created much of the content as well. Thanks so much guys!!!
- Desmos - an AMAZING free graphing utility