This website will become a valuable resource for you throughout this year. Here you will find important links, class notes, additional practice and much more. Please be sure to utilize the resources at your disposal. Assignment descriptions and due dates will ALWAYS be on the Husky Hub Assignment Center. Any due dates found external sites are unofficial and should be ignored.
This website will become a valuable resource for you throughout this year. Here you will find important links, class notes, additional practice and much more. Please be sure to utilize the resources at your disposal. Assignment descriptions and due dates will ALWAYS be on the Husky Hub Assignment Center. Any due dates found external sites are unofficial and should be ignored.
Now that you have advanced to high school status, you will be given more responsibility when we ask you to come to class prepared. These items must be brought to class every day:
Now that you have advanced to high school status, you will be given more responsibility when we ask you to come to class prepared. These items must be brought to class every day:
- Your Macbook - We won’t use this everyday, but we will use this often. It should have a reasonable amount of charge (30% or greater).
- Physics 3 Ring Binder, folder or comparable paper organizational system - Sometimes you will be allowed to choose how you take notes, but other times you will need to write things down on paper. It is very important that these notes are organized so you can quickly recover them.
- Pencils and Erasers - (at least two)
- Ruler and Protractor - This could be one tool if you purchase the recommended protractor with the ruler edge. I will not provide these for assessments.
- Scientific Calculator - You will be allowed to use calculators on tests and quizzes, but I will not provide them for you. Whatever calculator you have for math class will be fine. You may NOT share calculators, and you may NOT use your cellphone as a calculator
This class does NOT use a textbook; however, many great resources are available online.
The Physics Classroom also has a new set of iBooks on the topics of motion (kinematics), Newton's Laws, and Work and Energy. Again, these are not official or required textbooks, but they are additional resources that some students may find useful.
Additional resources will be posted on this website and updated frequently. Another great resource is the website
This class does NOT use a textbook; however, many great resources are available online.
The Physics Classroom also has a new set of iBooks on the topics of motion (kinematics), Newton's Laws, and Work and Energy. Again, these are not official or required textbooks, but they are additional resources that some students may find useful.
Additional resources will be posted on this website and updated frequently. Another great resource is the website
Office Hours
Office Hours are a great way of getting caught up on material you miss or do not understand. I am available for office hours after school every day. I will be available in Room A218 from 2:30 – 3:30.
Coming to Office Hours is a way to show your teachers you care about your learning. I strongly encourage every student to stop by extra help at least once a week. This is a great way to check your own understanding and reduce/manage the stress that comes along with high school. It is also a great place to complete homework assignments to free up time in the evening. I will help people on a first-come first-served basis.
Office Hours are a great way of getting caught up on material you miss or do not understand. I am available for office hours after school every day. I will be available in Room A218 from 2:30 – 3:30.
Coming to Office Hours is a way to show your teachers you care about your learning. I strongly encourage every student to stop by extra help at least once a week. This is a great way to check your own understanding and reduce/manage the stress that comes along with high school. It is also a great place to complete homework assignments to free up time in the evening. I will help people on a first-come first-served basis.
Homework will be calculated and count towards 6% of your quarter grade.
Homework will be submitted either online via WebAssign (, on paper in class, or on the Google Classroom (for written assignments). However, it will ALWAYS be posted on the Flint Hill Assignment Center. This is the official place to find due dates for each assignment. Homework is always due at the beginning of the class period.
Most homework assignments will be checked the day they are due. Graded assignments, like WebAssigns, will be broken in two parts. 25% of their grade will be based on their correctness on the due date, the other 75% will be based on their correctness after the revision period. Graded homework assignments can be revised from the time they are assigned until the day of the unit test.
For other assignments which are checked for correctness, you will receive full credit if your homework is completed on time and shows evidence of reasonable effort. Evidence of reasonable effort means that if you could not complete the assignment, you showed all of the work that you could complete, and you wrote sentences or questions that make it clear where you were confused. Attending extra help to go over the homework is also evidence of reasonable effort.
Homework will be calculated and count towards 6% of your quarter grade.
Homework will be submitted either online via WebAssign (, on paper in class, or on the Google Classroom (for written assignments). However, it will ALWAYS be posted on the Flint Hill Assignment Center. This is the official place to find due dates for each assignment. Homework is always due at the beginning of the class period.
Most homework assignments will be checked the day they are due. Graded assignments, like WebAssigns, will be broken in two parts. 25% of their grade will be based on their correctness on the due date, the other 75% will be based on their correctness after the revision period. Graded homework assignments can be revised from the time they are assigned until the day of the unit test.
For other assignments which are checked for correctness, you will receive full credit if your homework is completed on time and shows evidence of reasonable effort. Evidence of reasonable effort means that if you could not complete the assignment, you showed all of the work that you could complete, and you wrote sentences or questions that make it clear where you were confused. Attending extra help to go over the homework is also evidence of reasonable effort.
Honor Code
Science is a collaborative endeavor, and you will be asked to collaborate with your classmates frequently in this course. However, always be aware of the limits of collaboration. These limits apply to working with classmates, parents, tutors, or anyone else who is aiding you in your work. When in doubt, always ask your teacher.
You may work with others on homework, but your final work must be your own, and in your own words. It is helpful to discuss ideas together before doing any writing, and then find a separate space to write your response on your own. You should not sit side-by-side, writing and conferring with each other as you go along; this makes it very difficult to avoid using your partner's words.
When doing problem-solving assignments, you may discuss your approach, but you should be doing your own calculations.
Although labs are conducted in groups, all lab materials must be written INDIVIDUALLY. In projects, portions may be group assignments while other parts are individual. Always be aware of the limits of collaboration for each part of a project. Again, if you are unsure, ask your teacher! All suspected honor code violations will be reported to the Assistant Division Director, according to school policy.
Science is a collaborative endeavor, and you will be asked to collaborate with your classmates frequently in this course. However, always be aware of the limits of collaboration. These limits apply to working with classmates, parents, tutors, or anyone else who is aiding you in your work. When in doubt, always ask your teacher.
You may work with others on homework, but your final work must be your own, and in your own words. It is helpful to discuss ideas together before doing any writing, and then find a separate space to write your response on your own. You should not sit side-by-side, writing and conferring with each other as you go along; this makes it very difficult to avoid using your partner's words.
When doing problem-solving assignments, you may discuss your approach, but you should be doing your own calculations.
Although labs are conducted in groups, all lab materials must be written INDIVIDUALLY. In projects, portions may be group assignments while other parts are individual. Always be aware of the limits of collaboration for each part of a project. Again, if you are unsure, ask your teacher! All suspected honor code violations will be reported to the Assistant Division Director, according to school policy.
Late Work Policy
If homework is turned in late, you will receive a zero for homework. There are not extensions for the completion of homework. For WebAssign homework assignments which are graded for correctness, you may revise each assignment until the night before the Unit Test. These corrections will count for up to 75% of each WebAssign grade.
For lab reports and bigger projects, you have 5 days (this includes weekends) to submit your assignment for partial credit. Each day, your project will lose 10% of the maximum value. A homework is considered late if it is turned in one minute after the deadline.
If homework is turned in late, you will receive a zero for homework. There are not extensions for the completion of homework. For WebAssign homework assignments which are graded for correctness, you may revise each assignment until the night before the Unit Test. These corrections will count for up to 75% of each WebAssign grade.
For lab reports and bigger projects, you have 5 days (this includes weekends) to submit your assignment for partial credit. Each day, your project will lose 10% of the maximum value. A homework is considered late if it is turned in one minute after the deadline.
Make-Up Work
If you are absent (both excused and unexcused), the make-up work is your responsibility. I will not seek you out to make sure you complete missed assignments and labs. If you are absent, you must find out what you missed from your classmates and make up the work promptly. Work is due the day of your return unless otherwise discussed. Always check the website first to see if materials have been posted. Frequently, you will be able to find everything that you have missed here! You can also ask a friend to fill you in. If you still have questions, come see me during extra help extra help.
Missed work is due the day after you return to school. This includes tests and quizzes. If you miss a test, you must take it the day you return. If you know beforehand that you will be absent (for example, due to sports or a family commitment), you must make plans to complete and submit your work on time.
If you are absent (both excused and unexcused), the make-up work is your responsibility. I will not seek you out to make sure you complete missed assignments and labs. If you are absent, you must find out what you missed from your classmates and make up the work promptly. Work is due the day of your return unless otherwise discussed. Always check the website first to see if materials have been posted. Frequently, you will be able to find everything that you have missed here! You can also ask a friend to fill you in. If you still have questions, come see me during extra help extra help.
Missed work is due the day after you return to school. This includes tests and quizzes. If you miss a test, you must take it the day you return. If you know beforehand that you will be absent (for example, due to sports or a family commitment), you must make plans to complete and submit your work on time.
Participation & Late Policy
Involvement in daily activities, preparation for class, involvement in whiteboard discussions, and attitude will all go towards helping you understand the material in this class. If you choose not to participate, you are passing up an important learning opportunity. Students who do not participate actively in labs and discussions may have difficulty mastering the physics content.
In order to participate, you must be present in class. Leaving class to use the restroom or get a drink of water is a huge distraction and can make it difficult for you to keep up with certain topics. You should take care of this business BETWEEN classes.
As a high school student, we expect you to be responsible. Coming late to class is disrespectful to me, your classmates, and also yourselves. 5 minutes between classes is plenty of time to get to where you need to be. Making a habit of coming late to class will result in detentions. I will tolerate 3 unexcused tardies before it results in a detention. On your 4th tardy, you will receive a detention for each unexcused tardy. You are "late" if you arrive to class any amount of time after the bell has rung. NOTE: Putting your bag in the classroom does not mean you are present!
Involvement in daily activities, preparation for class, involvement in whiteboard discussions, and attitude will all go towards helping you understand the material in this class. If you choose not to participate, you are passing up an important learning opportunity. Students who do not participate actively in labs and discussions may have difficulty mastering the physics content.
In order to participate, you must be present in class. Leaving class to use the restroom or get a drink of water is a huge distraction and can make it difficult for you to keep up with certain topics. You should take care of this business BETWEEN classes.
As a high school student, we expect you to be responsible. Coming late to class is disrespectful to me, your classmates, and also yourselves. 5 minutes between classes is plenty of time to get to where you need to be. Making a habit of coming late to class will result in detentions. I will tolerate 3 unexcused tardies before it results in a detention. On your 4th tardy, you will receive a detention for each unexcused tardy. You are "late" if you arrive to class any amount of time after the bell has rung. NOTE: Putting your bag in the classroom does not mean you are present!
Lab Work
Labs are a vital part of this course. If you do not make up a missed lab activity within two days of the original date, you may use your partners’ data, but will lose 25% of the total available points for the lab. You can schedule make-up labs with your teacher. It is often best if students who miss a lab on the same day can make up the lab together.
Labs are a vital part of this course. If you do not make up a missed lab activity within two days of the original date, you may use your partners’ data, but will lose 25% of the total available points for the lab. You can schedule make-up labs with your teacher. It is often best if students who miss a lab on the same day can make up the lab together.